
import com.seattlesolvers.solverslib.pedroCommand.FollowPathCommand;

This command allows you to easily follow a Path (see FollowPathChainCommand for following a PathChain) by calling Pedro Pathing's Follower.followPath(Path path).

It has two mandatory parameters:

  • Pedro Pathing's Follower (which controls the robot movement)

  • The Path to follow

  • An optional boolean parameter called holdEnd that decides whether or not the robot should hold its position at the end of the Path (default value is true if not supplied)

new FollowPathCommand(follower, path)

If you are using an ArrayList of Paths, you can simply get the desired PathChain that you want:

new FollowPathCommand(follower, path.get(0))

To see how you can use both this command and FollowPathChainCommand in a full Autonomous Program, look at this example.

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